Avon South Africa January 2023 Brochure

★ Avon South Africa January 2023 Brochure ★ JOIN | BUY | GROW #ChooseAVON #JoinAvon #iloveavon #AvonSouthAfrica

Happy New Year and welcome to your Avon South Africa January 2023 Brochure launch! Let’s wave good-bye and give thanks for our courage and resilience through the challenges of 2020-2022. Now we look ahead, stronger and inspired, and ready for the possibilities that lie ahead. May this year be filled with every blessing and inspiration that your heart desires! AVON has a beautiful message for us as we step into the opportunities of a brand new year, and it’s all about YOU. So make this the Year of YOU! Below I share some inspiration for setting New Year Intentions – as opposed to new year resolutions. Enjoy this month’s Avon brochure launch!

What’s Hot this Month?

Inspiration for the Year Ahead: The Year of You

Avon South Africa January 2023

It’s your year to put YOU first! That’s right. Self-care is a non-negotiable this year and I invite you to honour yourself with at least a few minutes of alone time every day. Use this time to inspire and motivate yourself with positive self talk and journalling.

Make this your year to live intentionally. Set New Year Intentions, rather than resolutions. Get your journal ready and after a few moments of mindful breathing, or a meditation or yoga practice, you can start to open yourself up to some inspiring intentions for 2023. Let the ideas flow naturally and release yourself from the expectations of others. Write out whatever comes to you. Create a mindmap or a list – whatever works for you – and keep adding to it as you progress and grow throughout the year. Honour yourself by setting yourself up for success by starting with simple, easy to implement intentions, and then you can work in the ones that you might have more resistance to. Most importantly, remember to be your best friend on this journey, so that means being patient and gentle with yourself all along the way.

Here are some ideas for New Year Intentions:

I intend to:

– be kinder to myself and others

– be more present when I interact with all other people

– be more organised

– spend more time barefoot outdoors

– wake up a bit earlier to stretch/meditate/journal

– be more positive

– take up a creative no-pressure hobby


Have fun with this and all journaling exercises. The idea is to get to know yourself better so you can align with and honour your true self.

Let’s make some wonderful things happen this year! Blessings of joy and peace throughout 2023 and beyond.

In December 2022, we said good-bye to my dear friend and Avon leader, Lynette. She has been supporting and inspiring my Avon business since 2008. I am so blessed and honoured to have been part of her team for all these years. I will miss her, but her energy and inspiration will continue to motivate me.


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