Avon South Africa October 2022 Brochure

AVON South Africa October 2022 Brochure | Online Brochure | Join AVON Online | Buy AVON Online | #DoBeautyYourWay #WatchMeNow #BeautyBoss #ChooseAvon

Your newest Avon South Africa October 2022 Brochure Campaign has launched kicking off the last quarter of this year!

As the heat builds up in anticipation for the Summer, we know the Festive Season is almost upon us! But don’t let that worry you. Get ready now by planning your budget and start collecting gifts and packaging as soon as possible. Create a spreadsheet of names and gift ideas as well as gift wrapping/packaging inspiration. Save boxes, ribbons and other used parcels from deliveries or packages to recycle and reuse for your festive gift wrapping. And while you’re thinking of gifts for others, don’t forget to think about gifting yourself with self-care. That means spending time with yourself, doing things you love to do, journaling or creating your manifestation vision board.

Whatever you’re doing to start winding up the year, make sure you’re honouring yourself and sharing your kindness wherever and however you can.

Enjoy the Avon October brochure below and have a beautiful month.


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Launching in the Avon South Africa October 2022 Brochure

Today. Tomorrow. Always… the moment

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