Avon Representative Training

Sell & Succeed with the Digital Brochure
Share: WhatsApp or DM the Brochure link to your customers.

You will find the brochure and link on this page. Scroll down to the brochure and click on the Share Icon.

Shop: With 1 click, customers can shop straight from the IM Brochure using the shopping icon. Tell your customers to click “Send to my Representative via WhatsApp once their shopping list is complete.

Send: All shopping list orders will be sent to you via WhatsApp. Finalise your orders as usual (website, app or SMS)

Training is the necessary foundation from which you can start to build and grow your Avon business. I hope that you will find these Avon Representative Training pages useful. Let me know if there is anything else that you would like to know more about and I will do my best to help. Keep checking back for more valuable resources that will help you grow your Avon business. If you are an Avon Sales Leader, feel free to link to these pages so that you can share this information with your teams.

Would you like your very own AVONGIRLBOSS Planner/Diary?

It’s totally free. Just click below to get yours now. The link will open in a new window, so you can come straight back when you are done.

Training: How to set up your My Avon Store

My Avon Store is a wonderful online tool for Avon representatives to reach more customers. Click the image below to access the training now.

Avon Representative Training